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发表于 2015-3-22 23:54 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
/ z+ v* e" W! L- T; R+ s1 |
9 w. [; ?9 [, x1 G: o& M; s1. 咨询
0 I  K. u/ J7 T5 I物品准备好并确定需要出运的时间后, 请提前10~15天跟纽澜联系。只需一个电话,纽澜专业人员将免费上门测量体积,制定搬运计划,并现场解答疑问。 7 F- R) d3 l, b6 v! s# h% {9 e
" g3 ]$ g- d: t+ t
2. 委托! [% j7 @- p( r1 r9 G
确定好出运日期,请提前一天通知纽澜,届时纽澜将安排工人,车辆并带包装材料上门包装、同时制作物品清单,需要您填写委托书,签署海关文件。然后纽澜取货到非贸仓库、安排订舱、报关、海关查验、海运等事宜。 # a9 u& g8 Q+ t
: l. u: ^3 d! m. c* O
3. 包装9 W1 m" O4 A" g# Z% c
经验丰富的工人将按时到达您指定的包装地点,并按照您的要求进行包装。有10余年工作经验的工人会根据各类物件的形状和体积,采用适当的包装材料和方法,提供最妥善和最安全的包装。包装材料有箱片,各规格纸箱,挂衣箱,气泡,白纸,油画专用纸,托盘,木箱等。 5 [7 G/ T7 F0 k  M2 [
: T3 Y% W, J& X
4. 业务操作(报关、报检、定舱、安排出运等)7 H( i9 p* x1 ~" D. d6 P& w  ~$ L
起运口岸操作一般需3-5个工作日,请您根据托运物品的具体情况提前咨询与办理委托运输事宜。包装完成后,纽澜将全程办理报关、报检、海/空港口操作、安排海运或空运、签发运输单证等相关工作。 : A7 M; D  {! U* b4 L1 E

( `( ~# Q: J6 l9 b5. 目的港提货7 w0 T! }5 Y( w& T3 \6 ]& R- g* Y
如是门到港运输,货到目的港口,收货人自行提货,我们会您提供咨询和建议。 如是门到门运输,货到目的港口,我们长期合作的代理会与您取得联系,并协助您换单、清关,安排送货上门。 . M+ Q6 h7 X* ?/ t0 ?

4 }5 X( {% t+ O3 N! @6 K6.送货
# W" S% ]# ^! N9 e4 U代理清关,提货,物品送门,就位,拆掉包装,简单安装并带走垃圾。 1 G: a' _* ?3 ?
0 @' }  B/ Y9 P
Major Process of Global Moving8 A- q5 c0 |5 x
1. Make a pre-move survey and write down your demands
* X* H& v) o, p: `2. Sign contract and confirm the moving date
0 e/ v( R5 ~  U8 o3. Before moving, to protect walls and floors, supervisor will check them and workers will make proctection. You are request to write a inventory of important things and put those expensive things properly.& _; u( r  a; W" \2 _+ O; {1 Y3 X
4. Profesional packing# E  ~3 X" @  k- n2 r# f( j. W3 ~& N
5. Check floors and walls again.
  P+ f/ |+ k+ E6. While loading goods to the truck, supervisor will check the goods according to the packing list." a, j4 S3 X* S, R
7. Take away your original passport and other documents required for customs declaration and give them back to you in 3 days.
/ U% ]1 O+ o$ Z2 `5 S8. Ship the goods to your destination; a4 y- {7 c( }) s: }( U5 F
9. Our agent will clear customs and deliver goods to your house.. B& ~0 P( B; k2 S7 ^! }, D
1 {5 W+ ]7 ]1 l2 g' J! a2 R  O7 yNewland prides itself on providing the best possible relocation services. However, occasionally, even with the greatest care and attention, damage or loss may occur. We therefore recommend you enroll in “All Risk” protection coverage.
! u- M+ E& R. E& Y3 O2 H+ I6 ]/ W' O7 e/ S% n
公司网站:www.newlandrelo.com3 C  I# r3 b9 E+ @  X$ `4 b1 b) Q* i" q/ u
联 系 人:Neo8 m3 V/ p3 X  Y& v! F
QQ:12918850935 Q4 _' a9 `6 n8 Z
电子邮箱:Neo@newlandrelo.com5 x+ ^. K& O% g. H7 D
电    话:86  21 51879100 -105上海纽澜国际货物运输公司国际搬家业务流程介绍:
2 k  f) _/ X% z- b& A4 A( Q9 n2 I; @: B; N0 ]' [5 W
1. 咨询
+ f( U1 i/ Q3 L! k6 ?% f物品准备好并确定需要出运的时间后, 请提前10~15天跟纽澜联系。只需一个电话,纽澜专业人员将免费上门测量体积,制定搬运计划,并现场解答疑问。
4 q4 M+ C; `2 D3 W% D# b; g* Y) b  u+ q6 P3 U* i6 @4 A
2. 委托
5 d* `3 t6 I8 @& \3 `  W( C确定好出运日期,请提前一天通知纽澜,届时纽澜将安排工人,车辆并带包装材料上门包装、同时制作物品清单,需要您填写委托书,签署海关文件。然后纽澜取货到非贸仓库、安排订舱、报关、海关查验、海运等事宜。 + L' I4 X# j, t5 P+ h
$ V. }8 Y1 p8 ?3 d3 _
3. 包装
8 D. ]2 f6 T/ P8 m* @: y+ w% N0 m, A经验丰富的工人将按时到达您指定的包装地点,并按照您的要求进行包装。有10余年工作经验的工人会根据各类物件的形状和体积,采用适当的包装材料和方法,提供最妥善和最安全的包装。包装材料有箱片,各规格纸箱,挂衣箱,气泡,白纸,油画专用纸,托盘,木箱等。
$ I, D. k4 y& h) P+ x" Y
# j% {/ A: i3 _7 y: z6 F) c4. 业务操作(报关、报检、定舱、安排出运等)+ n, }& w$ g1 B) n, k+ }' U
起运口岸操作一般需3-5个工作日,请您根据托运物品的具体情况提前咨询与办理委托运输事宜。包装完成后,纽澜将全程办理报关、报检、海/空港口操作、安排海运或空运、签发运输单证等相关工作。 ! Q; \* s$ U9 @9 ~

4 l9 f8 ^& O/ V5. 目的港提货# \0 x. W( V- k
如是门到港运输,货到目的港口,收货人自行提货,我们会您提供咨询和建议。 如是门到门运输,货到目的港口,我们长期合作的代理会与您取得联系,并协助您换单、清关,安排送货上门。
# E4 ]6 q/ I' i4 N5 e! X; R' \
) `  v: n0 O  Y' d6.送货2 f* W; F! L  C: H/ o( O
代理清关,提货,物品送门,就位,拆掉包装,简单安装并带走垃圾。 / G! x) I5 k! ~) ~, g

. ^/ f9 G; h9 x0 NMajor Process of Global Moving
; e: u1 G1 K1 m& a% E1. Make a pre-move survey and write down your demands, y% I% O; c5 S6 M, r- m
2. Sign contract and confirm the moving date
% ~! E+ ]; k, s9 ]3. Before moving, to protect walls and floors, supervisor will check them and workers will make proctection. You are request to write a inventory of important things and put those expensive things properly.( _" `0 W6 L5 L2 ]3 ?
4. Profesional packing
' v6 K1 x: s* [. P+ N5. Check floors and walls again.
2 {% t- T1 o, k. g0 H! c0 ^' t( F& P6. While loading goods to the truck, supervisor will check the goods according to the packing list.
7 R7 N( M) F1 M- c7. Take away your original passport and other documents required for customs declaration and give them back to you in 3 days.+ K1 ]! z3 p" @$ f2 Z: G+ D7 u- y/ D* n
8. Ship the goods to your destination
% i5 O3 B! m6 V- p. w3 y# _9. Our agent will clear customs and deliver goods to your house.
1 F0 I5 I6 F0 D+ ^' TInsurance' t' j' g+ x' H3 x" i
Newland prides itself on providing the best possible relocation services. However, occasionally, even with the greatest care and attention, damage or loss may occur. We therefore recommend you enroll in “All Risk” protection coverage. 4 n* l5 _  P5 J7 [" @
6 ]1 I/ `6 k% V0 V3 c# }
4 n: F; e& g8 z联 系 人:Neo3 {& x" L' A! y- S5 g9 U
QQ:12918850931 u  C4 \9 K4 [9 C5 N3 \
电子邮箱:Neo@newlandrelo.com( V; e+ Z1 d" Z$ r. _6 |
电    话:86  21 51879100 -105
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